Installing AirCall for Magento 2 & Adobe Commerce

Installation Guide

Extension Installation

Uncompress the provided zip file on the root of your Magento application. That will create the app/code/Bemeir/Aircall folder.

Run the below command:

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Note: if you're in production mode, maybe you need to run additional steps before and after the setup upgrade command (e.g.: put the application in maintenance mode before start, compile after the setup upgrade, deploy static content and so on). The steps can vary according to your application and deployment steps.

Extension Configuration

Login into your Magento admin area and go to Store > Configuration > AIRCALL > Configuration. Fill the fields "API ID" and "API token" according to the instructions on the fields comments, below each of them. Set the "Enabled" field to "Yes" and save the configuration.

Clear the Magento cache on System > Cache Management.


In order to work properly, the functionality will need to index all the data currently on your application. The first time indexing can take a while, depending on the amount of data you have on Magento's customer and order tables.

To manually run a full reindex, run the following command on the terminal, at the Magento root directory:

php bin/magento index:reindex aircall_customer_telephone

php bin/magento index:reindex aircall_order_telephone

After the first reindex, the extension will keep track of any changes on customers and orders and will automatically update the indexes.